Breakfast Television | Face exercises to relieve tension and reverse the signs of advanced aging

Great exercises to relieve tension in your face and reverse some of the signs of accelerated aging caused by wearing face masks.

1. Lion Pose

Sit and place your hands on your thighs. Drop your jaw and open your mouth wide. Stick your tongue out downwards, towards the chin, forcefully. While breathing through the mouth, make a sound from down your throat that replicates the roar of a lion. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Benefits: Lion pose stimulates and tones all of your facial muscles. It is one of the most comprehensive poses for the face when it comes to toning.

2. Chin Tuck

 In a seated position, place your hands on your knees, lift your shoulders up and bend your head forward. Breathe deeply. Press your chin firmly against your chest and in between your collar bones. Hold your breath as long as possible. Release and repeat.

Benefits: The chin tuck shapes your face and tones your facial and jaw line muscles. It is said to be helpful for people with double chins as the exercise compresses the area.


3. Fish Face

Suck your cheeks and lips inwards and try to replicate a fish face. Holding that face, attempt to smile. You will feel a burn in your cheeks and jaw. Relax and repeat the exercise.

 Benefits: Fish face tones and stretches your cheek muscles. It makes your cheeks look more lifted and can help diminish the appearance of laugh lines.


4. Air Gargle 

Fill your mouth with air.  Close your mouth so that your lips are tight together and transfer the air in your mouth from one cheek to the other similar to gargling your mouth with mouthwash. Continue the procedure for a few minutes, relax and repeat a couple of times.

Benefits: The air gargle technique tones your cheeks and helps to create a youthful fullness in the cheeks. It is also helpful in combatting double chins.


5. Chin Lift

Sit or stand comfortably. Now, tilt your head upwards towards the ceiling with your eyes following at the same. Tighten your lips and protrude them forward as if trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold on to that for a couple of seconds and release. Repeat the same a few times.

Benefits: The chin lift will also tighten up a double chin and stretches your jaw, throat, and neck. This can also help give you a more defined jaw line.


6. Lip Pull

 Sit or stand comfortably, keeping your head facing forward and straight. Lift your lower lip as much as you can by pushing your lower jaw out. You must feel a stretch in your chin muscles and jaw line while doing so. Remain in that posture for a few seconds, relax and repeat.

 Benefits: The lip pull tones your facial muscles and gives you the appearance of higher cheekbones and a defined jawline, creating a great natural lift for a sagging jaw line.


7. Jaw Release

Seated.  Move your jaw as if you are eating with your mouth closed. Breathe well while doing this. After that, open your mouth as wide as possible with your tongue placed on your lower teeth. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat it a couple of times.

Benefits: The jaw release stretches the muscles around your lips, jaws and cheeks. With the release of tension in those areas you will find that your face looks more youthful, rested and relaxed. Don’t be surprised if people ask if you have just returned from vacation after doing this pose.


8. Temple grab

 Place your thumbs at your temples while your fingers the top of the head. Slowly bring your thumbs up towards your fingers as if you are grabbing your temples. You should feel like the skin surrounding your eye is pulled back. Hold this for 20-30 seconds. 

Benefits: This fascial stretch is great for releasing tension around the eyes and improving the appearance of crows feet.


9. Ear lift 

 Clasp the top rim of your ears between your fingers and them and lift slightly upwards. Use small rotational movements to massage the area. Pull each ear out gently, massaging in circular motions as you do so. 

Benefits: The ear lift stimulates blood flow to the facial muscles and skin. This move is also extremely relaxing and as you are massaging your ears you should feel tension being released from your entire body.

Learn about my signature natural face lift treatment here
