“Kill them with success and bury them with a smile” 

With over 10 years in practice and 30 years as an entrepreneur [I started young haha]  I thought I would reflect on one of the greatest challenges I have faced in my career.


In 2014 I decided to sell the clinic that I founded in 2007 in order to spend more time with my newborn son. I wanted to continue to work at the clinic without spending the significant time necessary to manage 6 health care providers. At the time my instincts told me not to sell it to the Chiropractor who had expressed interest in purchasing it. I had a bad feeling about her intentions but with the demands of a young son and a mother-in-law who was suffering from late stage cancer I decided against better judgment to proceed with the sale.  2 months later my email address was deleted and I was locked out of the office that I started in 2007 with all my personal belongings and patient files still in the clinic. When my patients decided to stay with me, this Chiropractor decided to file a frivolous lawsuit against me for lost revenue. She also proceeded to file complaints against me on behalf of patients without their consent, knowledge or approval.  Additional harassment included contacting my patients and colleagues at my new clinic and attempting to steal my domain name.

Through all of this I am proud to say I have persisted and used these challenges to fuel my success. In the time since my clinic was stolen from me I was able to start a new clinic, the[fix] that has been thriving. I became a body & posture expert for CTV’s The Social and CTV Morning Live, developed the dr. Liza pump and furthered my education to become a manual osteopath.  I also received the trailblazer and professional impact award from the Nigerian Canadian Newspaper and recently the Science & Technology Award from Afroglobal. Through this process I have learned that life in itself is a great learning tool and that as long as you are passionate about what you do, put in the work and maintain a positive outlook, you can achieve success. I have also learned to trust my instincts and will never make the same mistake twice!!


Science & Technology Award

Dr. Liza Egbogah Excellence Awards

I am so honored to be receiving the SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY award at the Excellence awards for the development of the shockingly comfortable dr. Liza pump [drLizashoes.com]. The awards take place on Oct 21st and I would love for you to join me!